Make a difference for TK-5th Grade Students!
Programs starting Winter 2020-2021
See what teaching is all about! Music for Minors can set up an observation experience during your available time, and you can watch an elementary music classroom in action. Observations could be simply for your own interest or could potentially fulfil a course requirement. We can accommodate 1-4 students at a time for an observation activity.
This program offering allows you to try out teaching in a supportive environment. You’ll be paired up with a Music for Minors educator for four class sessions:
Class Session #1 – Observe the class
Class Session #2 – Participate as a student
Class Session #3 – Teach 1 class activity, receive feedback
Class Session #4 – Teach 2-3 class activities, receive feedback
Students who experience this offering might choose to apply for an internship, decide that they would like to include teaching as part of their career path, or even become a music education major and/or a credentialed teacher in the future.
Programs Starting Spring 2021
Paid Internships
Our student internship program enables you to gain valuable experience teaching, receive coaching and co-teaching experiences, and potentially earn credit with your college or university internship program. Pay starts at $16 per hour, and you can work 1-2 mornings per week. You’ll attend our Educator Bootcamp training to learn the expectations of working at Music for Minors, gain basic classroom management skills, and receive an overview of the curriculum our educators teach in schools. Qualified interns may be eligible for full employment after their semester-long experience should their school schedule and our placement needs allow. See below for application due dates. Applications will be available in October 2020.
Some collegiate students are ready for full employment with Music for Minors. These students are available 2-4 mornings per week to teach elementary music on their own, and are expected to attend our full two-week paid training in August as well as professional development throughout the school year. Educator pay starts at $30 per hour, and Music for Minors provides its educators with online curriculum, instrumental kits, a mentor, and other resources to be successful. Many Music for Minors educators continue to work in the schools for years with our program – both as a primary career and as a supplementary career for other endeavors such as freelance musician work, raising a family, working in a field other than music, etc. If you would like to learn more about full employment, please contact or read/apply at: Employment applications are accepted year-round.
Timeline 2020-2021*
*subject to state, county and school district safety directives
Observations and Explorations Available
Internship Applications Due for Spring 2021
Early January
Educator Bootcamp for Interns
Primary Hiring Season for the 2021-2022 School Year
(we do accept employment applications year-round)
Mid May
Internship Applications Due for Fall 2021
We are in partnership or conversation with:
College of San Mateo
West Valley College
San Francisco State University
Santa Clara University
San Francisco Conservatory of Music